Daybreak Digital Markets

Substrate Manufacturers

Daybreak Digital provides paper and film manufacturers with several cost effective products that provide extra value and add to the increased marketability of their product lines.

Our Polyplus added to the wet end of the manufacturing process that increases printability, feel, and paper thickness while adding minimal weight.

A wide variety of primers available for both digital inkjet and electro-static ink receptivity.

We manufacture UV, EB, and WB primers for digital print receptivity.

All of our primers are Low VOC formulations.

All products manufactured to exacting quality control standards


As with our offerings for substrate manufacturers, our line of primers (In WB, UV, or EB Formulations) offer high performance and increased profitability. Our WB primers have comparatively high solids versus other commercially available primers which enable more even wet out on the substrate, faster speeds, and lower oven temperatures.

We manufacture UV, EB, and WB primers for digital print receptivity.

All of our primers are Low VOC formulations.

All products manufactured to exacting quality control standards

Digital Printers

Daybreak Digital’s primers enable the digital printer to convert ordinary substrate to be digital print receptive; this enables the printer to realize more savings and profitability on their digital jobs.

Since primers are dependent on proper coat weight to perform correctly, it is imperative that you have the right anilox setup. Please refer to our chart on our “Inkjet Primers” page (make “inkjet primers” a link to that page) for a more in-depth explanation of necessary coat weights needed.

Our knowledgeable sales staff will be more than happy to discuss your project with you. We can print your job files in our lab on your substrate to determine the necessary coat weight and anilox combination needed to achieve perfect results.

We manufacture UV, EB, and WB primers for digital print receptivity.

All of our primers are Low VOC formulations.

All products manufactured to exacting quality control standards